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Peek inside the Official booth Guide
Southwestern Indian Market Centennial

For 100 years Sante Fe Indian Market has been bringing Native Arts to the world.

Through the generous contributions to SWAIA from sponsors like you, we are able to support Indigenous artists from all over North America in growing their artistic endeavors and representing their people past, present, and future.

This year, your support is more important than ever before as we continue to roll out some exciting programming and development opportunities for our artists.

Thank you for your support of our amazing artists!

Centennial Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Title Sponsor

Please contact for details on the benefits associated with this tier.

Cost: $250,000

Premier Sponsor

• Sponsor’s name and logo stating, “[Sponsor Name] Presents” exclusively attached to Indian Market messaging
• Booth on the Plaza during Market weekend
• Revolving ad/click through on SWAIA website home page
• Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on banners & signage, website, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• Complimentary full-page ad in our official booth guide by Hutton Broadcasting
• Mention on after-Market Thank You ad in our Hutton Broadcasting publication
• All-Access VIP Passes to ticketed Indian Market events: Gala, Best of Show, Previews, Art Indigenous Santa Fe, Lounges, and Indigenous Fashion Show (RSVP for these events is required)
• 2 premier tables at the Gala (Saturday night of Market)

Cost: $100,000

Artist Awards Sponsor

• Premier table at Gala (Saturday night of Market)
• Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on Award Ribbons and Judging signage
• Complimentary full-page ad in our official booth guide by Hutton Broadcasting
• Mention on after-Market Thank You ad in our Hutton Broadcasting publication
• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• 10 tickets to Art Indigenous Santa Fe Opening
• 10 VIP Lounge Passes
• 2 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon (Friday before Market)
• 2 VIP First row seats to the Indigenous Fashion Show (Sunday of Market) (RSVP required)

Cost: $85,000

VIP Lounges Sponsor

• Step repeat with logo in both Lounges
• Collateral and Materials in all VIP Swag Bags
• Signage and Collateral in both VIP Lounges and on table tops
• Premier table at Gala (Saturday night of Market)
• Full-page ad in Indian Market Official Booth Guide, published by Hutton Broadcasting
• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, booth finder app, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• 10 tickets to Art Indigenous Santa Fe Opening
• 10 VIP Lounge Passes
• 2 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon (Friday before Market)
• 2 VIP First row seats to the Indigenous Fashion Show (Sunday of Market) (RSVP required)

Cost: $75,000

Santa Fe Plaza Stage Sponsor

• Premier table at Gala (Saturday night of Market)
• Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on the plaza stage and signage associated with it
• Complimentary half-page ad in our official booth guide by Hutton Broadcasting
• Mention on after-Market Thank You ad in our Hutton Broadcasting publication
• Use of stage by sponsor for appropriate promotions and giveaways throughout Market weekend
• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• 8 VIP Lounge Passes
• 2 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon (Friday before Market)
• 2 VIP First row seats to the Indigenous Fashion Show (Sunday of Market) (RSVP required)
• 2 tickets to Art Indigenous Santa Fe Opening

Cost: $75,000

Indigenous Fashion Show Sponsor

• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• Sponsor’s logo on Fashion Show program, half-page ad space in Fashion Show program, on all signage for the event, projected onto a wall during the show, and on various promotions for the event
• Thank you from Fashion Show stage by the emcee
• 15 First row seats to the Fashion Show and 15 tickets to VIP after-party
• 6 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $50,000

Art Indigenous Santa Fe Sponsor

• Logo Placement on all Art Indigenous Collateral/Assets
• Logo Placement on signage at show
• Booth at Art Indigenous Santa Fe
• Ad in Show Program
• 20 Patron tickets for Art Indigenous Santa Fe Opening
• 10 tickets to Art Indigenous Santa Fe Opening
• 6 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $50,000

Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon Sponsor

• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed, and recognition given, during luncheon
• Promotional collateral throughout event
• 10 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony
• 4 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $30,000

Gala Sponsor

• Sponsors Logo on SWAIA homepage (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media and other outreach in advance of, during, and after market
• Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed, and recognition given during gala
• Promotional collateral throughout event
• Premier Gala table
• 2 VIP Lounge passes

Cost: $25,000

Market Sponsor

• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• Sponsor’s logo/name prominently displayed during event and on all promotions for it
• 10 tickets to Sneak Preview
• 10 tickets to General Preview (RSVP required)
• 4 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon
• 2 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $15,000

Native American Clothing Contest Sponsor

• Banner with sponsor’s logo displayed on stage during the Contest
• Recognition as a sponsor throughout the Contest
• Sponsor’s logo on the home page of SWAIA website (click through) and name/logo on all marketing for the Contest, and in various other Indian Market promotions
• 4 reserved seats at the Contest
• 4 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon (RSVP required)
• 2 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $10,000

Santa Fe Indian Market Artist Reception Sponsor

• Sponsor’s logo on SWAIA home page (click through), as well as on banners & signage, print advertising, social media, and other outreach in advance of, during, and after Market
• Sponsor’s logo/name prominently displayed during event and on all promotions for it
• 10 tickets to Artist Reception
• 4 tickets to Best of Show Ceremony & Luncheon
• 2 VIP Lounge Passes

Cost: $10,000

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

All following sponsors will receive their sponsor’s logo (click through) on the footer of SWAIA website and on after-market, thank you ad in our Hutton Broadcasting publication, in addition to below benefits:

• VOLUNTEER T-SHIRT  – Sponsor logo on 240 t-shirts  –  $5,000
• GALA NAMED TABLE SPONSOR – Signage on your gala table  –  $5,000
• CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TENT SPONSOR – Banner on tent  –  $5,000
• VOLUNTEER APRON SPONSOR – Logo on 240 aprons  –  $3,000
• WELCOME SIGN SPONSOR – At Plaza stage (5 total)  –  $2,000

Become a sponsor.

Contact Sponsorship Services