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Santa Fe Community Convention Center Ballroom


Fri. August 18, 2023


11:30 AM – 1:00 PM MT

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MT




2023 best of show ceremony & Luncheon

The Santa Fe Indian Market Best of Show Ceremony and Luncheon is a prestigious and exclusive event hosted by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA), which is limited to SWAIA members, Best of Show and Best of Classification winners, their guests, and SWAIA ticket holders.

The ceremony is held to honor the top artists in all ten juried market categories, and the event begins with an awards ceremony where the Best of Classification winners are announced, followed by the year’s overall Best of Show winner. This is an opportunity for these talented artists to be recognized and celebrated for their hard work and dedication to their craft.

After the awards ceremony, guests will enjoy a delectable luncheon in the courtyard, where they can socialize and network with fellow artists and art enthusiasts. The event also provides attendees with a preview of the stunning array of the year’s art entries from all classifications, giving them a glimpse into the incredible talent that exists within the Native American art community.

The Santa Fe Indian Market Best of Show Ceremony and Luncheon is an extraordinary event that highlights the very best of Native American art, culture, and creativity. It is a must-attend event for anyone who appreciates the beauty and significance of Native American art, and a chance to support and honor the talented artists who create it.

Best of Show CEREMONY is Sponsored by

Best of Show Luncheon is Sponsored by

2023 Santa fe Indian Market Title Sponsor



CLASS I: Jewelry

Lyndon Tsosie (Navajo Nation)

Silver Sea turtle pendant with movable flippers. 4 ½ x 3 in.
Sterling stamped silver, inlay: coral, turquoise, lapis, Boulder opal, hand-fabricated.


“Caught by Surprise”
Jennifer Tafoya (Santa Clara Pueblo)

Etched black pot with dinosaurs. 4 ¼ x 4 ¼ in.
Hand-dug Santa Clara Clay, coil method, stone polished, etched and then painted with hand-dug natural clay paint.

CLASS III: Painting, Drawing, Graphics & Photography

“Judgement Day Manifest, The Greasy Grass 1976 Keough’s Stand.”
Dan HorseChief (Pawnee/ Cherokee)

Painting. 24 x 36 in.
Water-based oil on canvas.


Talavi Morning Katsina
Arthur Holmes Jr. (Hopi)

18½ x 9½ in.
Root of cottonwood tree, fine wood burner, knives and oil paint.


“Dreamscapes of Love”
Ryan Benally (Navajo)

3-dimensional sculpture.
5 ft 8 x 22 x 12 in.
Calcite Onyx, black Indian granite, hand-carved stone, electric and hand tools.


“Autumn Rose Carnival”
TahNibaa Naataanii (Navajo)

Navajo weaving created using 2 sheds. Shawl and purse. 16 ½ x 62 in.
Sheep wool with 26 aniline acid dyes in different colors.


“Sundance on Muddy Creek”
Victoria G. Adams (Southern Cheyenne/Arapaho)

Tripod with glass containers, diverse artwork/sculpture. 64 x 36 x 32 in.
Copper, Deerskin, American Indian-head pennies, dating from 1878 to 1910; glass, steel chain, wrought-iron, wood, acrylic paint, cotton fabric, sweet grass, snake root, Big Medicine, bee balm, sweet pine, sage, yellow ochre pigment, red ochre pigment, Ammonite fossils, sterling silver, mother-of-pearl beads, photographs, Edward Sheriff Curtis photo gravures.


“We are Fierce”
Jackie Larson Bread (Blackfeet)

Blackfeet horse mask. 18 x 15 x 23 in.
Wool, seed beads, brass beads and bells, wood, plexiglass, satin, lane stitch, applique stitch and edge stitch


Father’s Love (Ate Iyocicila)
Aydrian Day (HoChunk/Anishinaabe/Lakota)

Lakota style cradle board. 24 x 9 in.
Size 11 true-cut sterling silver beads, 24-karat beads, smoked hide, brass sequins, pine and cotton.


“Skywoman Watches”
Carol Emarthle Douglas (Northern Arapaho- Seminole)

Coiled waxed linen basket.
7 x 9 ½ x 9 ½ in.
Waxed linen, thread, hemp, beads




Traditional Pottery Award

Make Me Smile Award

Excellence in Traditional Hopi Carvings Award

Excellence in Contemporary Hopi Carvings Award

Excellence in Lapidary Raw Materials Award

IAIA Distinguished Alumni Award

Mark Tahbo Memorial Award

Sara Fina Tafoya Memorial Award

Margaret Tafoya Memorial Award

Mela Youngblood Memorial Award

Tony Da Memorial Award "New Visions in Pueblo Pottery"

Anita Da Memorial Student Award

Oqwa-Pi Traditional Pueblo Painting Award

Raw Materials Award

Classification I: Jewelry

I: Division A:

Traditional Jewelry using culturally acceptable materials (including silver, beads, quills, brass, copper, stones shells, etc.), traditional techniques & designs.

IA: Category 101 – Necklaces

IA: Category 102 – Bracelets & Watchbands

IA: Category 103 – RINGS

IA: Category 104 – PINS & PENDANTS

IA: Category 105 – EARRINGS

IA: Category 106 – CONCHO BELTS

IA: Category 107 – buckles (including ranger sets)

IA: Category 108 – ketohs & bolos

IA: Category 109 – coordinated sets

IA: Category 110 – miscellaneous

I: Division B:

Traditional Stones & Shells (Precontact-style jewelry-heishi, inlay, etc.)

IB: Category 201 – Necklaces

IB: Category 202 – Bracelets & Watchbands

IB: Category 203 – RINGS

IB: Category 204 – PINS & PENDANTS

IB: Category 205 – EARRINGS

IB: Category 206 – Bolos & Buckles (INCLUDING RANGER SETS)

IB: Category 207 – Coordinated sets

IB: Category 208 – BOUNDARY

I: Division C:

Traditional Contemporary Jewelry, any materials

IC: Category 301 – Necklaces

IC: Category 302 – Bracelets & Watchbands

IC: Category 303 – RINGS

IC: Category 304 – PINS & PENDANTS

IC: Category 305 – EARRINGS

IC: Category 306 – CONCHO BELTS

IC: Category 307 – Buckles (including ranger sets)

IC: Category 308 – Ketohs & Bolos

IC: Category 309 – Coordinating Sets

IC: Category 310 – Miscellaenous

IC: Category 311 – Boundary

I: Division D:

Contemporary Stones & Shell Jewelry (Heishi, Inlay, etc.)

ID: Category 401 – Necklaces

ID: Category 402 – Bracelets & Watchbands

ID: Category 403 – RINGS

ID: Category 404 – PINS & PENDANTS

ID: Category 405 – EARRINGS



ID: Category 408 – BOUNDARY

Classification II: POTTERY

II: Division A:

Traditional Unpainted Pottery


IIA: Category 502 – miscaceous ware in the style of taos, nambe, picuris, any form

IIA: Category 503 – Plain Burnished/Polished (can have impressions, e.g. bear claw), any form

IIA: Category 504 – PINS & PENDANTS

IIA: Category 505 – Other plainware

IIA: Category 506 – BOUNDARY

II: Division B:

Traditional Painted Pottery

IIB: Category 601 – Painted polychrome pottery in the style of Hopi, any form

IIB: Category 602 – Painted polychrome pottery in the style of Zuni, Acoma, Laguna, any form

IIB: Category 603 – Painted polychrome pottery in the style of Cochiti, Santo Domingo, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, Tesuque, Nambe, San Juan, Pojoaque, any form

IIB: Category 604 – Painted polychrome pottery in the style of Jemez, Zia, Santa Ana, Sandia, San Felipe, Isleta, any form

IIB: Category 605 – Figures/Manas

IIB: Category 606 – Traditional storytellers, including sets

IIB: Category 607 – BOUNDARY

II: Division C:

Traditional Burnished Black or Red Ware; Incised, Painted or Carved

IIC: Category 701 – Carved or incised, Black or red, under 8 inches

IIC: Category 702 – Carved or incised, black or red, over 8 inches

IIC: Category 703 – Woodland, Incised or carved

IIC: Category 704 – Incised or carved, any form

IIC: Category 705 – Painted designs on a black or red burnished or polished surface, any form in the style of San Ildefonso

IIC: Category 706 – Boundary

II: Division D:

Contemporary Pottery, any form or design, using Native materials with or without added decorative elements; traditional firing techniques

IID: Category 801 – Sgraffitto, any form

IID: Category 802 – Carved, any form

IID: Category 803 – Unpainted, any form

IID: Category 804 – Painted any form

IID: Category 805 – Figures, including sets

IID: Category 806 – With added elements (like beads, feathers, stones etc), any form: None listed

IID: Category 807 – Miscellaneous

IID: Category 808 – boundary

II: Division E:

Contemporary Pottery, any form or design, using Native materials with or without added decorative elements; traditional firing techniques

IIE: Category 901 – Slabwork

IIE: Category 902 – Wheel-thrown

IIE: Category 903 – Figures, including sets

IIE: Category 904 - With added elements (like beads, feathers, stones etc), any form

IIE: Category 905 – Miscellaneous

IIE: Category 906 – Sgraffito & Carved; any form

IIE: Category 907 – Painted, any form

IIE: Category 908 – boundary

IIE: Category 909 – Traditional style pottery (kiln fired/post fired painting)

II: Division F:

Miniature pots; individual pieces under 3 in any dimension

IIF: Category 1001 – Traditional

IIF: Category 1002 – Contemporary

IIF: Category 1003 – Figures, including sets

IIF: Category 1004 - Sets where overall size exceeds 3 inches in any dimension

IIF: Category 1005 - BOUNDARY

Classification III: 2D

III: Division A:

Representational Painting/graphics(realistic/stylized) – including miniatures

IIIA: Category 1101 – Oil; including oil sticks, & oil pastels

IIIA: Category 1102 – Acrylic

IIIA: Category 1103 – Gouache & watercolor, Studio Style

IIIA: Category 1104 – Pencil, pen/ink, scratchboard, chalk, charcoals

IIIA: Category 1105 – Mixed Media 2D art

IIIA: Category 1106 – Ledger Art, any medium

IIIA: Category 1107 – Ledger Art, any medium

III: Division B:

Abstract Painting/graphics– including miniatures

IIIB: Category 1201 – Oil; including oil sticks & oil pastels

IIIB: Category 1202 – Acrylic

IIIB: Category 1203 – Gouache & watercolor

IIIB: Category 1204 - Pencil, pen/ink, scratchboard, chalk, charcoals

IIIB: Category 1205 - Mixed Media 2D Art

IIIB: Category 1206 - Boundary

III: Division C:


IIIC: Category 1301 – Traditional in style & designs

IIIC: Category 1302 – Contemporary in style & designs

IIIC: Category 1303 – Boundary

III: Division D:


IIID: Category 1401 – Lithographs, Woodcuts & Etchings (includes other Intaglio techniques)

IIID: Category 1402 – Monoprints & Monotypes

IIID: Category 1403 – Serigraph/Silkscreen

IIID: Category 1404 – Miscellaneous (includes embossed paper, collagraph, mixed media, etc)

IIID: Category 1405 – Boundary

III: Division E:


IIIE: Category 1501 – Black & White or Continuous Tone: (Light exposed metallic prints)

IIIE: Category 1502 – Color: (Light exposed metallic prints)

IIIE: Category 1503 – Alternative Process: (Hand crafted, manually applied or transferred emulsions or dyes, exposed by light

IIIE: Category 1504 – Miscellaneous (includes embossed paper, collagraph, mixed media, etc)

IIIE: Category 1505 – Boundary

III: Division F:

Computer Generated Graphics

IIIF: Category 1601 – Digitally altered primary sources & printed, (eg altered digitized photographs)

IIIF: Category 1602 – %100 digitally created work printed in 2D (paper, canvas, etc)

IIIF: Category 1603 – Boundary

Classification IV: Wooden pueblo figurative carvings & Sculpture

IV: Division A:

Traditional Carved Dolls, Including Old Style & Revival

IVA: Category 1701 – Hopi Carved Dolls, Traditional Style

IVA: Category 1702 – Zuni Carved Dolls, Traditional Style

IVA: Category 1703 – Boundary (Gray area art, Classification transfer possible)

IV: Division B:

Contemporary Carved Dolls & Sculpture

IVB: Category 1801 – Pueblo Carved Dolls

IVB: Category 1802 – Pueblo Carved Dolls, Including Base

IVB: Category 1803 – Pueblo Carved Sculptures

IVB: Category 1804 – Other Pueblo Carved Dolls

IVB: Category 1805 – Boundary (Gray area art, Classification transfer possible)

IVB: Category 1806 –

Classification V: Sculpture

V: Division A:

Representational Sculpture (realistic/stylized)

VA: Category 1901 – Stone

VA: Category 1902 – Cast Metal

VA: Category 1903 – Fabricated Metal

VA: Category 1904 – Precious Metal (includes non-wearable jewelry)

VA: Category 1905 – Wood – (except Katchina & Katchina sculptures they go in Class IV)

VA: Category 1906 – Glass

VA: Category 1907 – Clay

VA: Category 1908 – Mixed Media

VA: Category 1909 – Boundary

V: Division B:

Abstract Sculpture (Non-objective)

VB: Category 2001 – Stone

VB: Category 2002 – Cast Metal

VB: Category 2003 – Fabricated Metal

VB: Category 2004 – Precious Metal (includes non-wearable jewelry)

VB: Category 2005 – Wood

VB: Category 2006 – Glass

VB: Category 2007 – Clay

VB: Category 2008 - Mixed media

VB: Category 2009 - Boundary

V: Division C:

Fetishes/Miniature Sculpture

VC: Category 2101 – Stone

VC: Category 2102 – Non-Pueblo Fetishes

VC: Category 2103 – Miniature sculptures

VC: Category 2104 – Boundary

Classification VI: Textile

VI: Division A:

Traditional Woven Textiles

VIA: Category 2201 – Dine; blankets, rugs, dress

VIA: Category 2202 – Pueblo blankets, rugs, belts, etc.

VIA: Category 2203 – Other, i.e., Chilkat blankets, capes, etc

VIA: Category 2204 - Pueblo blankets, rugs, belts, etc.

VIA: Category 2205 - Other (e.g. Chilkat Blanket, capes, etc)

VIA: Category 2206 - Boundary

VI: Division B:

Contemporary Woven Textiles

VIB: Category 2301 – Rugs, blankets, & other large furnishings

VIB: Category 2302 – Pillows, placemats, & other small furnishings

VIB: Category 2303 – Woven garments, i.e., skirts, coats, tops, etc.

VIB: Category 2304 – Boundary

VI: Division C:

Traditional Embroidered Garments/Dress

VIC: Category 2401 – Pueblo mantas, kilts, sashes, etc.

VIC: Category 2402 – Other traditional style garments/dress

VIC: Category 2403 – Boundary

VI: Division D:

Contemporary Dress

VID: Category 2501 – Garments

VID: Category 2502 – Accessories

VID: Category 2503 - Boundary

VI: Division E:

Other techniques, Contemporary & Traditional

VIE: Category 2601 - Sprang, knitting, finger weaving, braiding, crochet

VIE: Category 2602 - Boundary

Classification VII: Diverse Art Forms

VII: Division A:

Functional objects

VIIA: Category 2701 – Pipes

VIIA: Category 2702 – Drums, with or without stands

VIIA: Category 2703 – Flutes & whistles, with or without stands & carrying bags

VIIA: Category 2704 – Rattles & Fans

VIIA: Category 2705 – Bows/arrows, quivers

VIIA: Category 2706 – Bags & pouches

VIIA: Category 2707 – Powwow dance gear, individual objects or sets (Bustles, roaches, arm/leg bands, combs, etc.)

VIIA: Category 2708 – Non-beaded attire (not woven)

VIIA: Category 2709 – Miscellaneous contemporary objects (Fashion Accessories, knives, etc.)

VIIA: Category 2710 – Miscellaneous traditional objects

VIIA: Category 2711 – Boundary

VII: Division B:

Non-utilitarian objects, ethnographic art

VIIB: Category 2801 – Wall-hangings, cultural objects with added elements to display on a vertical surface

VIIB: Category 2802 – Framed or mounted, cultural objects that have been framed or mounted for display)

VIIB: Category 2803 – Mixed media Dolls & Soft Sculpture WITHOUT a predominance of beadwork & quillwork

VIIB: Category 2804 – Miscellaneous

VIIB: Category 2805 – Boundary

Classification VIII: Beadwork & Quillwork

VIII: Division A:

Articles of Attire

VIIIA: Category 2901 – Beaded clothing, non-woven (all, except moccasins)

VIIIA: Category 2902 – Moccasins

VIIIA: Category 2903 – Accessories (including coordinated sets)

VIIIA: Category 2904 –

VIIIA: Category 2905- Jewelry, bracelets, earrings, Headbands, etc.

VIII: Division B:

Dolls & Soft Sculptures (Dolls & soft sculpture without a predominance of beadwork and/or quillwork go in VII-2703)

VIIIB: Category 3001 – Plains Style Dolls/Soft Sculptures with a predominance of beadwork and/or quillwork

VIIB: Category 3002 – Framed or mounted, cultural objects that have been framed or mounted for display)

VIIB: Category 3003 – boundary

VIII: Division C:

Other Items, Non-attire

VIIIC: Category 3101 – Contemporary Beadwork and/or Quillwork. Any Form

VIIIC: Category 3102 – Cradleboards

VIIIC: Category 3103 – Miscellaneous Objects

VIIIC: Category 3104

Classification XI – Basketry

XI: Division A: Southwest Baskets

XIA: Category 3201 – Plaited, Wicker

XIA: Category 3202 – Twined

XIA: Category 3203 – Coiled

XIA: Category 3204 – Miniature

XIA: Category 3205 – Contemporary

XIA: Category 3206 – Boundary

XI: Division B:

Outside the Southwest Baskets

XIB: Category 3301 – Plaited, Wicker

XIB: Category 3302 – Twined

XIB: Category 3303 – Coiled

XIB: Category 3304 – Miniature

XIB: Category 3305 – Contemporary

XIB: Category 3306 – Boundary

Classification IX – Youth (17 years & under)

IX: Division A:

Ages 9 & Under

IXA: Category 3401 – Jewelry (metal, with or without stones)

IXA: Category 3402 – Jewelry (All Stone, Shell or Other)

IXA: Category 3403 – Pottery-miniatures

IXA: Category 3404 – Pottery-figures-animal

IXA: Category 3405 – Pottery figures, all other

IXA: Category 3406 – Pottery figures, all other

IXA: Category 3407 – Pottery, non-burnished (matte), painted or undecorated

IXA: Category 3408 – Paintings

IXA: Category 3409 – Drawings, original prints, sandpaintings & other

IXA: Category 3410 – Sculpture

IXA: Category 3411 – Textiles, Embroidered or Woven

IXA: Category 3412, First Place

IXA: Category 3413 – Miscellaneous

IX: Division B:

Ages 10-13

IXB: Category 3501 – Jewelry (metal, without stones)

IXB: Category 3502 – Jewelry (metal, with stones)

IXB: Category 3503 – Jewelry (all stone, shell or other)

IXB: Category 3504 – Pottery-miniatures

IXB: Category 3505 – Pottery Figures-All Forms

IXB: Category 3506 – Pottery, Burnished Black or Red, Painted, Carved, Sgraffito, or Undecorated

IXB: Category 3507 – Pottery, Non-burnished (matte), either painted or undecorated

IXB: Category 3508 – Paintings

IXB: Category 3509 – Drawings, original prints, sandpaintings & other

IXB: Category 3510 – Sculpture

IXB: Category 3511 – Textiles (Embroidered or Woven)

IXB: Category 3512

IXB: Category 3513 – Miscellaneous

IXB: Category 3514 – Basketry

IXB: Category 3515 – Boundary

IX: Division C:

Ages 14–17

IXC: Category 3601 – Jewelry (metal, without stones)

IXC: Category 3602 – Jewelry (metal, with stones)

IXC: Category 3603 – Jewelry (all stone, shell or other)

IXC: Category 3604 – Pottery-miniatures

IXC: Category 3606 – Pottery, Burnished Black or Red, Painted, Carved, Sgraffito, or Undecorated

IXC: Category 3607 – Pottery, Non-burnished (matte), either painted or undecorated

IXC: Category 3608 – Paintings

IXC: Category 3609 – Drawings, original prints, sandpaintings & other

IXC: Category 3610 – Sculpture

IXC: Category 3611 – Textiles (Embroidered or Woven)

IXC: Category 3612

IXC: Category 3613 – Miscellaneous

IXC: Category 3614 – Basketry

IXC: Category 3615 – Boundary

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors