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Cordelia Begay

Cordelia M. Begay

The Tree of Life Hummingbirds

Navajo Nation


CAT W 913

I began weaving at age 8. My grandmother, Ellen Littleben raised her daughters as full time weavers. She passed her talent to myself and mother, Marilyn Littleben. I recalled the late nights I sat beside my mother and wove to the kerosene lamps inside our hogan. It was a skilled that was a must shared with our daughters. Today at age 42, I am blessed and fortunate to continue on the skilled that was passed onto the Bit'ahnii generation. My work is unique in many way. The colors of the wool are selected based on feelings and thoughts. The material used are natural commercial wool. Some pieces aside the three are natural wool dye from vegetation in our home area. The designs I create in a weaving are all different types. Some are pictorial rugs. Some are formed into Navajo rug dresses. Some are worn as scarfs. My techniques are based on past down weavings but advancing into more depth designs. Thank you for looking.