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Raymond Chee Sr.

Raymond M. Chee Sr.

Blessing into the Night

Navajo Nation


PLZ 49

I am a self-taught sculptor. In the late 70's I started carving wood in high school. I submitted my work into the local art show and received first place ribbon. So i began working and carving/sculpting from that point on. I joined SWAIA in 1988-1989 and have been a aprt since. I hike 3-5 miles in the local canyons to find the perfect drift/cotton wood. I will study the wood and will begin to downsize the wood with my chainsaw. I then chisel/hammer/ file/drill and small saw to shape. I use foredom tools/ sandpaper and woodburning. I then stain and paint. I use both acrylic and oil paints depending on the piece.