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Jackie Bread

Jackie Larson Bread

Keeping Us Safe

Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana


PLZ 52

I consider my beadwork to be both traditional and contemporary. I bead traditional Blackfeet geometric and floral design to enhance the primary image of each beaded piece. The primary part of my beadwork is contemporary, photorealistic portraits of Blackfeet people. I have started beading images of animals/wildlife, using this technique. I was a painter for several years, this helps me to in essence paint with beads. My beadwork is usually composed into traditional items, such as bags, sheaths, boxes, parasols etc. The materials that i use consist of braintanned buckskin, a variety of glass beads ranging in size from 15, 13,and 11. The finished piece often includes brass bells and beads, sometimes fur and ribbons.