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Elizabeth Wallace

Liz Wallace

Silver Butterfly Necklace on Knitted Chain

Navajo Nation


FR P 308

It’s a fine line to walk when you’re trying to do artwork that’s both authentic and sale-able to the public. Thankfully I’ve had access to many great teachers and materials, and was born with a passion for creativity. My work is influenced by the incredible basketry made by my Nisenan and Washo ancestors, plus the wonderful silver making of my Dine’ ancestors. While I adore the classic silver and turquoise designs I also get excited by the Art Nouveau jewelry of Lalique, Wolfers, and other masters from that genre. I’m one of the few Native artists that specializes in enamel work and one of the best in the country at plique a jour. I’ve taken several workshops with the renowned Valentin Yotkov, where I learned chasing and repousse’. Most recently I learned how to weave in metal from Munya Avigail Upin and I’m now making coiled baskets in copper and silver wire. After a long bout with various health issues, and getting caught up with orders, I’m feeling excited about work