Welcome to SFIM '23
Peek inside our Official Guide

What is the criteria?

The scoring criteria focuses on four areas:  Technical Execution, Concept/Design/Creativity, Aesthetics, and Indian Market Standards.  Each juror can award 25 points in each criterion for a maximum total of 100 points per juror, with a perfect score from all three jurors being 300 possible points.

This scoring system is superior to the old 3 criteria system with a max score of 15 (Each juror scored 5 points in each criterion; for a total of 15, then all three scores were averaged).  The new system decreases the chance for duplicate scores.  For example, in 2014, under the old system, jewelry scores averaged 14 points out of 15 in order to be placed.  With only 80 spots available but 140 scores of 14 or higher, who chose which artists were placed?

The new scoring system gives artist applicants more opportunities to differentiate themselves, and  gives SWAIA a more accurate breakdown of scores so we can establish cutoffs for accepted, waitlist, and unaccepted artists.