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Saturday, August 22, join us for the livestreamed SWAIA Benefit Auction at 4pm MST, followed by the 2020 Award-Winning Art Auction at 6pm MST.

To participate in these NO BIDDER’S FEE auctions, you must be a member of SWAIA.
– 4pm SWAIA Benefit Auction: Memberships for the Benefit Auction start at just $25 (Crystal level). See a sampling of the available artwork for this auction now!
– 6pm Award-Winning Art Auction: For this auction, your membership level must begin at $160 (Coral Circle)
See a sampling of the available artwork for this auction now!

Not yet a member? Become a member of SWAIA at the appropriate level. (Crystal or above for the Benefit Auction; Coral Circle and above for both auctions)

Once you’re already a member, all you need to do is create an auction account with a user name and email and then follow these instructions on how to join us.

Thank you for continuing to enable us to support our truly talented artists.

We’ll see you there!